Founder: Kristen Abney

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Start date: 1/16/2016


About us

Petty Wednesday provides the latest entertainment news and petty content for social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Petty Wednesday mobile app. Our mobile app sends out weekly life lesson, articles, and notifications to app users. Our merchandise that bears our logo and petty slogans also helps to promote our brand.


Petty Wednesday aims to remind people that life is short; joke a little; laugh a lot. The main goal is to connect people through conversation via our different channels i.e. our Youth Vibez Podcast, articles/notifications sent out via our mobile app, clothing/items or through social media. Life happens every day but there is no need to dwell on that adversities which we can’t control, save it for Wednesday, the day we can all rant about the petty happenings and circumstances that have come our way. The Petty Wednesday Brand represents the ability to express how you feel, laugh about it and move on.


Giving Back

We’re also into charity and giving back to the culture and community in any way possible. Our two charity events every year are geared toward mobilizing the youth and getting them involved in projects that can eventually give back to the city of Philadelphia in any way possible. The less fortunate has us as a friend, and we’re super proud we can do our part.